Monday, December 3, 2012

interview with a vampire

Anne Rice writes about vampires in a way that I think has a universal appeal and keeps the story moving. The story of Louis The 200 year old indigo farmer-turned vampire and his distaste to exist whether alive or undead is one that I found hard to put down. the way that the book essentially runs in a timeline from the past forward as told by Louis was an interesting and effective element in the storytelling. Louis while in the story is very reserved made fun of and eventually pursued by his counterpart Lestat, who is his polar opposite in every way imaginable. The dynamic between these two vampires is really what makes this story interesting to me. also the point in the story where Louis goes to Paris and discovers the vampire acting troupe was pretty cool twist. Louis was out having a vampire identity crisis seeking vampires like himself to no avail except to find some wrong turn-esque vampires.
when he finally meets some vampires of equal caliber, they turn out to be killing kidnap victims en-masse en stage in an avant-garde theater show. Alot of questions are raised within the story line about the morality of the vampire which I think is a good way to kind of keep the human element within the characters. Our protagonist is a complete pacifist so he's pretty much everything that a Vampire shouldn't be.
Pacifism  can be somewhat of an issue when it keeps you from being able to eat to survive. another issue of morality is raised when Lestat reanimates a little girl for his own amusement to pull on the heartstrings of Louie's altruism. The problem is that the little girl no matter how old she gets will never be anything but a little girl. This leads to the eventual demise of Lestat when both Louis and  the little girl Claudia whom had been made vampires by lestat decided to kill him for his recklessness.
 Avery entertaining read that kept me involved, and removed my skepticism of reading Anne Rices novels, after hearing of her overly harlequin book style of story-telling . I will continue reading more in her vampire series when I get a chance!

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